Gala Precision Engineering Share Price
Share Price
₹ 0.00
Last Updated
09 December 2024
Gala Precision Engineering Share Price History
Gala Precision Engineering Share Price Chart
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Gala Precision Engineering Returns Calculator
Enter any amount in the 'Investment amount' field and select a year.
The Gala Precision Engineering calculator will tell you the value of your Gala Precision Engineering investment in .
Gala Precision Engineering Returns Comparison
If $25,000 was equally invested in Gala Precision Engineering shares and Bank Deposit in the year , the current value of the two investments would be:
Year |
Gala Precision Engineering Shares |
Bank Deposit Investment |
Detailed comparison between Gala Precision Engineering Share Price Growth and Bank Deposit Compounded at 5%
Year |
Gala Precision Engineering Shares |
Bank Deposit Investment |
- During [input-year], the share price of [company-name] was [input-year-price].
- If you had bought shares worth [input-investment] in [input-year], you would have [shares-today] shares today.
- At the end of [last-year], the current value of your shares would be [last-year-price].